What is it like to spend Christmas and New Year in China?
Celebrating Christmas Sometimes to outsiders, there are some misconceptions about spending Christmas in China. Because of the country's government and politics, it is often believed that Christmas is banned, restricted or oppressed. Whilst it is true that China is officially an atheist state which advocates socialism, nevertheless the religious beliefs of citizens are tolerated and given respect within the boundaries of the law. One may go through a mall at Christmas time and see all kinds of Christmas trees, decorations and popular songs. Without a doubt, the cultural presence of the holiday exists within the country, even if it is not grounded in China's traditions. This cultural interest in Christmas has been encouraged by the increasingly consumerist nature of the holiday in the west, which has become less about religion and more about gifts, shopping and good food. To many Chinese people, this is both fun and exciting, even if they have little to no belief in...